Are You Thinking About Installing Solar Garden Lights?If you find pleasure in spending time outdoors, why not extend your enjoyment by installing solar garden lights? Your flowers and other plantings will show up beautifully after darkness falls, as the proper lighting will enhance their beauty. If you have a swimming pool or a hot tub in your yard, proper lighting nearby will also make the time spent enjoying the water more pleasant, and can give you more time to relax. This type of lighting is a wonderful option for anyone who has thought about adding lights to their outdoor environment, but hesitated to do so because of the cost of electricity each month for enough outdoor lighting to make a real difference. You'll have none of these worries with the solar type lights! They operate from dusk to dawn needing no electricity at all, automatically. With no wires to worry about, nor bulbs that burn out, you'll find these will really brighten up your landscape! You can find many different kinds of solar type lights for your yard and garden available for sale. You can see quite a few of them online, and your local home and garden center will probably have a few more varieties that you can see in person. What types of sunshine-fueled garden lights seem to be the most popular? Sets of these lights that are affixed to with posts or stakes that can be placed into the soil continue to fly out of stores both offline and online. These come in groups ranging from four or six all the way up to fifteen or more. A group of solar lights is perfect for lining pathways in your yard and garden, the area around your patio or deck, deck stairs any flower beds you may have, or any place that needs a nice, bright white illumination in the evenings. These “stake” style solar light sticks can be found in stainless steel, copper, pewter, and black colors, one of which should blend into your landscape beautifully. You can find some amazing and whimsical solar lights that are more than just decorative. They work just as well as the plainer, yet highly functional lights. If you think you would enjoy a type of light that will blend into the background, how about a set of rock lights? Yes, you can purchase solar lights and floodlights that are set into “rocks” of various sizes that are made of resin, and look amazingly real! If you are into color, try these non-electric lights in the stake style with your choice of seven different colors. These are lovely during the holidays when matched up with your usual decorations. If you're having a hard time deciding on a color, solar color changing lights are also available. How about some lights for your garden with globes made out of beautifully handmade blown art glass? These change color as well, for a little light show that you and your guests can really enjoy. How about some lights that depict an engagingly sweet little puppy holding a lantern-style light in his mouth for you? Or, a frog on a lily pad? How about a wise garden gnome, complete with robes and pointy hat? Would you prefer yard and garden lights in the shape of tulips with flexible “stems”, designed so that they can be placed almost anywhere? A set of Dragonfly, butterfly, and hummingbird lights that change color? Or perhaps several stunning globe color changing solar lights that are made to place in your swimming pool – both on top and under the water? Your choice may end up being a set of string lights, available in many popular colors. As you can see, you have many options when it comes to choosing the right type of solar powered lights for your yard and garden, many of which are not mentioned here. Installation of all of these lights is strictly a breeze, because technically, there is no installation at all! Of course, some of the lights available will need a tiny bit of installation in the form of snapping together and adjusting. But many varieties are ready to be charged for use as they come out of the box. You will never regret the investment needed to outfit your landscape, deck, patio, hot tub, swimming pool, or anything in the great outdoors with solar garden lights. They are an easy answer to the age-old refrain of “I can't see! It's too dark out there!” With these lights, it's quite possible you will never hear those words said in reference to your own yard again. For more information on using solar lights in your garden and yard, please read these articles: |