Choosing the Correct Low Voltage Lighting Fixtures For Your Deck and GardenIt’s also nice to look at our yard and garden at night and see it cascaded in a nice light. You can also use low voltage lighting to light your walkway, paths and steps. This will ensure your friends can see your steps and paths when coming or going at night. Because of all of this interest there is now a large variety of low voltage lighting fixtures available to purchase and styles and designs are being released. So where do you start and what is the right fixture your yard or deck. When installing a low voltage lighting system you need to understand where you want to install your lighting and what you want your lighting system to do. Once you know that, you can pick out the proper fixture for your application. Lighting Your DeckFor the deck you want to have a soft light that doesn’t blind people while they are sitting down. Here’s a few good fixtures for this application:
Lighting Your GardenOutdoor landscape lighting depends on the layout of your backyard garden and the affect you want. You probably want to use a combination of accent lighting, flood lighting, spot lighting, uplighting, down lighting and grazing. The fixtures for lighting affects are very similar and they are usually mounted in the ground and you can point the light to the plant or feature you want to light. Lighting Your Paths and WalkwaysPatio lighting is similar to deck lighting, you want light the garden path or walkway but also have it accent the features of your garden or deck. These fixtures are usually low to the ground or pathway and and mounted on a stake or post. This lighting is also good for security purposes. Lighting Your StairsThere is a wide selection of fixtures for stair lighting, here’s partial list of what is available:
Final TipsDepending on the manufacturer you might be able to mix the different style of fixtures and use one transformer. Just make sure that the transformer can handle the wattage of all of your fixtures. You also want to take into account the low voltage cable lighting loss. Also make sure gauge of the cable can handle the wattage of all of your bulbs. If you are interested in using solar lighting, please read this article on solar lighting frequently asked questions. |