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Water features give a magical touch to any garden design, and are much easier to build and maintain than you probably imagine.

There’s nothing like the gentle sound of running water, or the image of lovely iridescent fish swimming lazily in a serene garden pond, to create a peaceful, restful ambience. There are many different types of water features to choose from, including everything from a simple garden pond to a stunning waterfall, which can form the focal point of your garden design. You may be thinking that water features are difficult to build and even more troublesome and expensive to maintain, and you certainly don’t want to end up with a murky green swamp in your backyard. Choosing the right materials, and make the right garden design choices is the key.

You’ll find plenty of great information online if you do a quick search. There are web guides, books and other publications on choosing the best pumps, filters and sterilization systems, understanding algae, bacteria and the effect of UV light, and choosing the best, low-cost, low maintenance materials. Choosing the right position for the water feature in your garden, taking into account the amount of sunlight it will be exposed to, is also very important. If you need professional advice, you’ll also find information on how to get access to a professional garden design service near you.

Which water features are best for your garden?

A garden fish pond will give your garden a beautiful, serene feel. There are a number of attractive fish species to choose from, including the very popular Japanese koi. Be careful to choose a species which is suitable to your climate, and find out what type of water purification system you will need for your pond. It’s also important to choose the right aquatic plants, both as a food source for your fish, and for easy maintenance of the plants themselves. You should also consider potential predators like cats, and protect the pond with a wire screen if necessary.

Perhaps you might prefer a simple birdbath. Birdbaths make a lovely addition to your garden design, particularly if you want to attract local birdlife to your garden, and are very easy to maintain. There are lots of beautiful styles to choose from, in clay or ceramic materials, or perhaps even cast iron.


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