Low voltage halogen lighting fixtures and accessories to light up your home in style.Because it has a purer white glow, halogen lighting gives better color rendition than incandescent lighting, so it works particularly well with colored or tinted lighting fixtures. You’ll find a fantastic range of low voltage halogen lights and accessories designed to suit a wide variety of outdoor lighting applications. Just follow the links from this site for more information. The advantages of low voltage lighting for patios, decks, porches and garden landscape lighting.Most outdoor lighting systems work on a low voltage system, for several reasons. Most importantly, low voltage lighting is exceptionally safe. In most cases, you can safely plug and unplug the lighting fixtures while the system is turned on. There is no need to bury the low voltage lighting cables underground. You can simply hide them behind rocks or under garden mulch. The other important advantage of low voltage lighting is that it radiates a soft, gentle glow which creates the perfect lighting ambience for evenings outdoors. The softness of the low voltage light also means you don’t create unnecessary light pollution at night or disturb your neighbors.