Beautiful, safe and practical low voltage landscape lighting ideas.Floodlights throw a wash of light over a wide area, like a patio, deck or pool deck. Spot lights and garden accent lights can be used to draw attention to attractive landscaping features, like ornaments, garden beds and special plants and tress. There are also low voltage landscape lights designed for practical purposes, like lighting walkways, level changes and stairs, to make them safe at night. Just follow the links from this site for more information. The advantages of low voltage lighting.These days, almost all outdoor landscape lighting fixtures work on a low voltage system. The main advantage of this is that it’s extremely safe to install and operate. There is no risk of injury from the lighting fixtures or cables even in wet weather, and there are even low voltage outdoor lighting fixtures designed to be used in and around ponds and water features. In fact, in most cases the lights are so safe you can move them around and plug and unplug them while they’re turned on. There’s no need to bury the cables underground once the landscape lighting system has been set up. You only need to hide them under garden mulch or behind rocks and other garden features. The other advantage of low voltage lighting is that it radiates a soft, gentle ambient glow, which is perfect for landscape lighting purposes.