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Solar garden lighting is a safe, energy efficient way to create subtle garden accents, or give a gentle glowing ambience to your outdoor living spaces.

Solar garden lighting is no longer considered an alternative way to light outdoor living spaces. It’s set to become as common as ordinary mains powered lighting for creating garden accents, highlighting landscaping and water features, or turning the garden or patio into an evening living and entertaining space. Like most outdoor lighting, solar garden lighting works on a low voltage system. Low voltage lighting radiates a gentle, subtle glow which has exactly the right quality for garden accents and all kinds of garden and patio lighting purposes. Solar powered lights are the safest and most energy efficient outdoor lighting option there is. Depending on the climate and the design of the garden, the amount of energy collected from the sun during the day is normally enough to power the lights for the few hours of the evening when they’re needed.

Components of a solar garden lighting system.

One of the best advantages of solar garden lighting is that it’s so easy to install. Anyone with a few basic carpentry and electrical skills can set up the lights in no time, and you don’t need to bury cables, or find a way to connect them to a power source. You can buy kits from any good home hardware or outdoor lighting supplier. The kits contain the lighting fixture itself, a solar panel, which may be attached to the fixture itself, a battery and a controller to turn the lights on. The controller may include a timer, or a light sensor which can detect when it’s dark enough for the lights to be effective. The kits usually also contain mounting frames, and sometimes a selection of colored lenses.


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